Enliven Massage Therapy

Specialized bodywork to restore your quality of life.


  • Each massage is tailored to each individual’s needs. Myofacial release, trigger point therapy and relaxing techniques will be utilized to bring balance back to your body.

  • Reiki and acupressure from Zen Shiatsu are combined to restore the flow of Qi (or Prana) to any energetic imbalances throughout the body or chakra system.

  • Acupressure, from the Zen Shiatsu practice, is used to bring balance to the meridian system in conjunction with traditional massage.

Holly loves to intertwine modalities of the East and West. From the Western World comes her fascination with muscular anatomy and relieving tension through myofascial release and trigger point therapy. From the East, Reiki and Shiatsu (a Japanese form of acupressure) allow her to support the body through emotional traumas and restore a natural flow of Qi (life force energy). Her passion for these two worlds has spurred the creation of Zen Massage and Zen Reiki, each allowing a deeper resolution of either the physical or emotional body.